The audience that our music video and music genre would appeal to aspirers because they would want to achieve a kind of status in the niche audience, and it is a niche audience because the genre is not mainstream, but relatively new.
Maslows hierarchy
consists of 5 categories, physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, self esteem and self actualization. Each category is about what kinds of needs the consumer has to fulfill to feel comfortable with the product that is being put across to them and which factors out of these five they feel the most.
For our audience profile, our consumers for the music video will be offered self actualization, as the music video will show the different aspects of the music genre and characters, such as creativity, meaningfulness and self-sufficiency. Self esteem, as they would feel good from watching the music video because of the genre of music, which is electronic/RNB, and if they like it it will appeal to them and give them a sense of status within themselves personally. Love and belonging because in the video there are a few statements which are not clearly visible, but in things like the narrative of the video, it involves quite a lot of emotion and understanding, so creates senses of love and belonging. Finally, safety and security as our music video is going to contain a lot of dangerous but safe shots, which will in turn leave consumers in the audience feeling that they are safe and secure.
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